At Home Lifestyle Newborn Session | Park City, Utah Photographer


Listen to Mustn'ts, child, listen to the Don'ts.
Listen to the Shouldn'ts, the Impossibles, the Won'ts.
Listen to the Never Haves, then listen close to me.
Anything can happen, child, Anything can be. 
-Shel Silverstein

When I mentioned to Sami that we could do an in home newborn session she came back with an immediate response that she really did not want to do barefoot pictures on their bed. I assured her that the cool thing about in home photo sessions is that they are very customized to each family and you get something that is unique to them. She agreed, with one more comment that we could do it as long as we didn’t do barefoot pictures on the bed. I’m pretty proud of myself because not only did we not do any photos on the bed, but we didn’t even enter their bedroom :) . Besides, I really don’t necessarily want to do any specific shot when I come into someone’s home. I want to just get a feel for the home and find pretty pockets of light, and that’s what we follow. And if it’s warm enough, we will most likely head outside and wander in the yard. Photo sessions at home are so much more relaxed and comfortable, and are the perfect environment to create documentary, story-telling photos.

I took a few winding roads through Altamont and to find my way to Sammi’s home and passed a cute little playhouse on the way up the final hill to their home. I was tempted to drag them out to that playhouse for some photos but decided we better keep it simple. We took a minute right after I got there to do a little sink bath of this cute little guy. Sink baths are seriously the best for babies of any age—I love them. Kameron wasn’t the biggest fan of being undressed, wet, and cold but he settled down once we got him snuggled and dressed again. Jaidyn and Logan were so cute and helpful with their baby brother and pretty excited about being big sisters. And you’d never be able to guess that Logan asked me about a hundred times if we were done taking pictures yet ;) .